Dodo’s finest store format in Europe

This is Dodo’s first store in Kaunas, the second-largest city in Lithuania. Here we’re pioneering our new EasyForm design system: this is the first unit outside of Russia to be built in accordance with these principles. The store is located downtown on the city's most attractive shopping street.

Laisvės street in Kaunas is a prime location. The Dodo Pizza in this spot is a flagship store, introducing customers to our brand and showcasing our format, design, service, and product. While fulfilling its mission, the store also remains strong in sales, solidifying the brand’s leading position in the Baltic states.

Dodo Pizza
  • Lithuania
  • Kaunas
  • Laisvės alėja 80

Key metricsUpdated:

Everything is relative, so here you can see the unit's latest metrics in relation to the performance of the entire network.

Store's results
Network's average

Monthly sales